How do leaders prepare for Progress Meetings and what is the CRIMSI Progress Monitoring Rating Rubric?

Throughout the CRIMSI Pilot, leaders will actively participate in progress monitoring cycles, leveraging CRIMSI's specialized tools to drive continuous improvement and ensure the fidelity of implementation for high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) pilot products. This structured approach empowers leaders to refine and enhance their implementation strategies while maximizing the impact of HQIM within their districts. During these cycles, leaders will:

  1. Utilize the Vision Walk Tool to identify trends across multiple classrooms.
  2. Review the CRIMSI Deliverables Dashboard to track participant engagement in high-quality professional learning.
  3. Gather additional artifacts of HQIM implementation, such as student work samples, CRIMSI coach observations, and curriculum-embedded assessment data.
  4. Collaborate with the Implementation Team to analyze progress monitoring data/artifacts, identifying trends, patterns, barriers, and next steps.
  5. Submit progress monitoring data before scheduled progress meetings.

The CRIMSI Progress Monitoring Rating Rubric serves as a valuable tool for leaders as they complete their Progress Monitoring Data Submission, aiding in the assessment and reflection on the three key implementation questions. Learn more about the rubric in the following videos.

Preparing for Progress Meetings

Using the CRIMSI Progress Monitoring Rating Rubric

💡 Reminder: To find upcoming sessions and registration details, refer to the role-specific checklist and TEALearn course calendar. Instructional School Leaders are offered two make-up opportunities per Progress Meeting to help them meet the live attendance requirement.

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