How do leaders verify participant registration?

What is “Registration Verification”?

During the 23-24 CRIMSI pilot, participants begin their pilot registration by enrolling in the TEALearn Hub and submitting a "Getting to Know You Quiz." Upon completing those actions, leaders must verify their participants’ registration submissions through the registration verification process. Once verified, a participant is fully enrolled.

The Registration Verification spreadsheet, located in your District’s CRIMSI Google folder, is utilized by leaders to verify individuals’ registration in the pilot. Leaders are expected to reference the document weekly to verify new participant registration submissions, correct outdated registration records, and respond to questions about notes leaders provided via the spreadsheet.

Each Thursday, the CRIMSI Support Team will lock the spreadsheet (by removing permission to edit) to review updates made by leaders throughout the previous week. The spreadsheet will be unlocked on Friday. While the spreadsheet is uneditable, the CRIMSI Support Team will:

  1. Review and update CRIMSI records to finalize enrollment for verified participants.
  2. Give newly verified teachers and coaches access to Onboarding through the TEALearn Hub.
  3. Email newly verified participants notice of enrollment on Fridays.
  4. Update the spreadsheet to add the record of new registration submissions, if any were received during the previous week.
  5. Upon completion of this process, CRIMSI restores editing access by Monday. Leaders have until the following Thursday to verify new participants before the document is re-locked, and the verification cycle continues.

The Registration Verification spreadsheet will be unlocked Monday through Thursday at 5:00 p.m. CT (4:00 p.m. MT) for districts to complete the registration verification process.

💡 Best Practice: Add a 15-minute task to your calendar as a reminder to review the document each week to stay on track with weekly verifications. Add a link to the CRIMSI Google folder to the calendar hold to make it even easier.


Watch the following video for an overview of the Registration Verification Process:


How do leaders verify participant registration?

District initiative leads may select who owns registration for the district or campus-by-campus based on their district’s needs. This task can be delegated to individual school leaders or campus based registration leads.

The leader(s) in charge of participant registration follow the steps below to verify participant registration in the CRIMSI pilot for the 23-24 school year:

Step 1: Navigate to the CRIMSI Google Folder

Use the link in the monthly leader newsletter to open the district-specific CRIMSI Google folder.

💡 Insider Tip: Bookmark the folder or use the ‘Add to Starred’ option for easy access to the folder throughout the school year.


Step 2: Open the Registration Verification spreadsheet

Each district has its Registration Verification spreadsheet in the CRIMSI Google folder named using the following convention: <Blue Lake ISD>-123456 Registration Verification SY23-24.

Important Note: Participants are listed on one row per product piloted; therefore, a participant supporting two products is listed in two rows.

Before moving forward, let us review the NeedToVerify tab.

Columns B through G

Columns B through G have gray-toned columns indicating that the content in these columns is always locked and not editable by leaders. The participant records in these columns, starting in row 5, come from Getting to Know You Quiz submissions. Please see the following description of the contents seen in these columns:

  • B: Campus - The campus name a participant submitted through the Getting to Know You Quiz.
  • C: Role in the Pilot - The role a participant selected during their Getting to Know You Quiz submission; this is not their actual title/role on their school campus.
  • D: First Name - A participant’s first name.
  • E: Last Name - A participant’s last name.
  • F: District Email - A participant’s district email address, which is the primary mode of communication CRIMSI will use to contact the participant throughout the school year. This email address will be tied to deliverable submissions to award credit for completed deliverables.
  • G: Course, Language, Grade Level - The course, or product, a participant selected during their Getting to Know You Quiz submission, along with the language and grade level taught. There are a few variations:
    • COACH Product Level (Ex: COACH Amplify 3-5) - This format is used for coaches and Instructional School Leaders.
    • Product Level Language Grade Level (Ex: Eur K-5: Eureka ENG G3) - This format is used for teachers.
    • LEADER Course - This format is used for school leaders and the initiative lead.

Columns O and P

Columns O and P are shown in orange and white tones. These columns, starting with row 5, are editable by leaders when the document is not protected per the aforementioned cadence. Before describing how leaders will verify participants registration using these columns, let us review the contents of these columns:

  • O: Verify - The Verify column contains a drop down menu leaders use to either verify a participants enrollment or convey updates to the CRIMSI Support team on their participation status. Until leadership interacts with this column, it shows blank with a small triangle dropdown icon in the righthand side of the cell. See the following description of the dropdown menu options:
    • VERIFIED: Leaders use this status to verify a participant, thus fully enrolling a participant for the product listed on the line.
    • Verified with changes: Leaders verify this participant, but with changes listed in column P such as revising a misspelled email address.
    • REMOVE PARTICIPANT: Leaders use this status to request for the CRIMSI Support Team to remove a participant from the pilot that was previously verified or verified with changes. This status may be used if a teacher or coach is switched to support a grade outside of the K-5 band (therefore will no longer support a pilot product) or if an individual leaves the district.
  • P: Notes - Relay applicable notes on a participant’s record in the corresponding row to the CRIMSI Support team. The notes column is limited to 75 characters so please be concise. If a more complex note is required, please email the update or change request.


Step 3: Verifying an Individual’s Registration

Starting on row five, review each row of the NeedToVerify tab. As a reminder, a participant is listed in one row per product they support, so a participant supporting two products will be listed twice. The document is organized by campus for ease of review. 

For each row in the NeedToVerify tab:

  • Review this participants campus, role in the pilot, first and last name, district email address, and pilot product.
  • If this information is correct, use the dropdown in column O to select Verified.
  • If a small change is needed, use the dropdown in column O to select Verify with changes and list the changes needed in column P. Changes indicated in the Notes column may include, but are not limited to, a campus change, grade level instructed (teachers only), the participant’s pilot role, etc.
  • If for any reason leadership needs to fully withdraw and remove a participant from the pilot, use the REMOVE PARTICIPANT dropdown option in column O.

That’s it! Once leadership reviews every row in the document, they are done verifying registration for that week. When leaders review the document the following week, these participants will show on the VerifiedStatus tab.

If a record on the VerifiedStatus tab is incorrect, submit the Change Request form available in this FAQ so the CRIMSI Support Team can update the record.

As a reminder, registration for the 23-24 CRIMSI pilot is open until October 31, 2023. However, early verification is vital to ensure participants have the opportunity to complete all deliverables as they are assigned, this includes summer deliverables. Changes to registration will not be allowed after October 31.


Watch the following video for verification examples using the process outlined:


The CRIMSI Support Team is available twice a week for Onboarding Office Hours to support districts with Registration Verification procedure or to answer general pilot questions. Locate registration links for office hours in the TEALearn Hub here.

The CRIMSI Support Team is happy to offer support via email, too. Email questions to for support and the team will respond within 2-3 business days.

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