How does the Initiative Lead complete the District Application artifact?

Completing this document is the first step towards planning your district’s roll-out of this high-quality instructional material (HQIM) pilot program. In this spreadsheet, you will identify key district-level personnel, participating campuses, the campus’s school leader, and a few other key roles.

For an overview of the roles listed within the District Application, please refer to this FAQ.

District Application Artifact Tabs

Start by locating the District Application spreadsheet in your district’s CRIMSI Google folder. The CRIMSI Google folder was shared with Initiative Leads via email following their kick-off session. The spreadsheet includes the following tabs: 

Note: additional tabs will be added to this spreadsheet later in the pilot.


The Instructions tab holds the basic instructions for completing this initial application correctly. This tab includes a link to the FAQs containing descriptions of the various CRIMSI Roles. You can refer to these descriptions as you complete the information on the remaining tabs. You will not enter information on this tab.

District Info

Identify your pilot’s District Leadership Team on the District Info tab. These individuals provide support within their niche area of expertise as needed throughout the pilot.

Please review the following notes and role restrictions before completing this tab:

The Initiative Lead must be a district-level employee.  By default, the superintendent listed in the TEA AskTED has been pre-populated for the Initiative Lead role, but districts can select any district-level employee to lead the initiative. Every participating district MUST have a current point of contact for this role, even if they will not be the Initiative Lead during the 23-24 school year. Changes in personnel may be made at a later date.

Fill out rows 4 through 10, as applicable, with the district-level employee from your district who best fits the role. An individual may occupy multiple roles unless they are their own Backup Contact.

Campus Info

Identify which campuses will participate in the pilot on the Campus Info tab. 

Decoding The Sheet:

  • Products: 
    • Allocations for Amplify will be in columns B-G, colored in teal.
    • Allocations for Eureka will be in columns H-J, colored in purple.
  • Assigning Awarded Allocations:
    • Row 2 lists the total awarded counts for each product to assist in your delegation. 
    • Row 3 will help you see at a glance if you are currently under, over, or at your awarded allocations. 
    • Row 4 indicates the specific product. 
    • Row 5 calculates your current tallies entered on your campuses' rows.
  • Campuses
    • We have compiled lists of your district's campuses contained in the AskTED Directory. If an unlisted campus wishes to participate, contact us at to fix the issue. These campuses start at row 6 and continue downward accordingly.

How to fill out:

You will note the relevant information within the sheet for each participating campus and its participants. For campuses not participating, please disregard their row.

  1. Campuses (Columns B & H): Check this box to indicate the campus is participating in the pilot with Amplify and/or Eureka
  2. Coaches (Columns C & I): Indicate the number of coaches supporting that product at that campus. Each product must have at least one coach per campus. A coach may support both products but cannot participate as a teacher.
  3. Teachers (Columns D-G & J): Indicate the number of teachers participating in each product. Teachers may participate in up to two products.
    • Teachers who have completed a previous Full-Year CRIMSI Pilot are ineligible to participate in the same product but may pilot a new one.
    • For Amplify: Grade bands K-2 & 3-5 are separate products, and a participant can be enrolled in both. If a teacher is teaching SLAR & ELAR, only enroll them in SLAR.
  4. School Leader (Columns K-N):
    1. Each campus will have one school leader. By default, the principal listed in AskTED has been pre-populated for each campus, but it may be overwritten. 
      • You may know the current school leader will not return for SY 23-24. However, every participating campus must have a current point of contact for this role. Changes in personnel may be made at a later date.

Additional School Leaders

Please identify any Assistant Principals or other administrative personnel invited to participate as an Instructional School Leader in the pilot at your district on this tab. These individuals may self-select the Instructional School Leader or Coach role.  This list will not include School Leaders on the Campus Info tab.

For each product an Assistant Principal will participate in (up to two), they will occupy a separate row. You will begin with:

  1. Column A: Select the individual's Campus
  2. Column B: Select if they will participate as a Coach or Instructional School Leader (ISL). 
    • Participants cannot be a coach and ISL at the same time. 
    • For more details about the roles, please read this FAQ.
  3. Column C: Select which product will be piloted
  4. Column D-F: Participant Contact Information
Note: If the individual supports two products, please list them twice (in two rows).


When you are ready to submit your District Application, you will use the Submit tab. Keep in mind the following:

  • Once you submit, the document will be protected immediately from further changes. Changes to the Campus Info or Additional School Leaders tabs will not be possible without first requesting editing from our team by emailing You can expect a response within 2 to 3 business days or up to 5 business days during peak enrollment time.
  • Once unlocked, we will reply back, letting you know changes can be made. Once changes are completed, resubmit the document by checking the checkbox.

Need assistance?

Join the CRIMSI Support Team during our weekly Office Hours on Tuesdays from 4:00-4:30 p.m. CT or Thursdays from 9:00-9:30 a.m. CT to ask us questions in a Zoom call. Once self-enrolled in the TEALearn Hub, access the link to register on the Office Hours page.

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