What are the roles in the pilot?

The pilot is structured with the roles described below to support high-fidelity implementation at every level. Learn more about how these roles strategically work together to achieve excellence.

Initiative Lead

The Initiative Lead drives impact by facilitating all programmatic activities and managing the fidelity of HQIM implementation. We recommend this district-level employee not hold another pilot role.

Recommended actions include:

  • Establishing a positive and joyful culture for the pilot
  • Communicating the "why" behind your district's participation in the pilot to all stakeholders and creating a sense of urgency for improving student learning
  • Establishing conditions for successful implementation of pilot materials, including:
  • Understanding best practices for implementation of high-quality instructional materials
  • Ensuring systems and structures are in place to support high-fidelity implementation
  • Monitoring participation of school and district leaders, coaches, and teachers and serving as the first point of contact for participants in your district

Registration Leader

The optional Registration Leader role supports the School Leader and ensures all appropriate staff members are registered for the pilot. We recommend someone with PEIMS access who can provide all participants with TEA Uniq-ID (UID) numbers.

Individuals in this role must be able to provide the following:

  • Participant legal names, district-provided emails, and Uniq-IDs
  • Participant school name, subject area, and grade placement

Individuals are responsible for:

  • Providing anticipated participation numbers by school, product, and grade-level
  • Completing the registration process to register school leaders and coaches for the pilot (April-May timeline)
  • Completing final registration of all participants in the pilot by October 31. 
  • Engaging in ongoing registration checks to ensure participants are accurately enrolled in the pilot

District Leadership Team

Relevant officials in the following departments will assist where needed within their area of expertise:

  • Shipping
  • Digital Rostering
  • Technology
  • Assessments
  • Human Resources

School Leader

Each school leader–  one per participating campus–coordinates with the district and monitors campus-level progress while offering support and guidance using information obtained through ongoing professional learning. Senior building officials may hold this role, preferably the school principal.

Instructional School Leaders

Instructional School Leaders are campus or district instructional leaders, including principals, assistant principals, deans, coordinators, or other relevant roles who lead the charge in HQIM management and provide instructional coaching. These individuals will engage in a learning scope and sequence that combines elements of the School Leader and Coach roles. These individuals can pilot up to two products and receive a $1,500 stipend per product they support. Principals, Assistant Principals, and other relevant roles will self-select participation in this role as part of the registration process. Alternatively, principals can choose to serve only in the School Leader role, and assistant principals can only serve as a coach.


Coaches guide teachers along the implementation roadmap and skillfully lead them to impact student outcomes through high-quality instructional materials. Participants in the coach role commit to leading key protocols and practices and consistently observing and debriefing teachers. District and/or school instructional staff members with the capacity to support teachers can serve in this role.  Districts must register and enroll at least one coach one coach per product per campus.


Teachers are the key lever to student growth and achievement and lead students in learning acceleration to transform student outcomes . K-5 teachers implementing pilot materials with at least one class of students are eligible for ongoing product-specific and curriculum-centered professional learning. They will collaborate with their coach and other pilot teachers throughout the pilot. Teachers may register for up to two pilot products

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