What do participants need to know about assessment data collection?

The piloted HQIM products contain two forms of assessments:

  • Summative assessments are large checkpoints representing the summation of several lessons/weeks’ worth of skill development. They typically come at the end of a unit or domain.
  • Formative assessments are smaller and occur daily. They are checkpoints for the individual concepts and skills that will build towards the eventual summative task.

Together, these assessment types provide teachers with a sense of direction. Summative assessments help teachers understand the destination they are aiming for within a unit/domain, and formative assessments help them monitor their students’ progress toward that destination.

Teachers learn to describe effective assessment types embedded in the HQIM product in Module 6 and Community of Practice (CoP) #2. Coaches high-quality professional learning (HQPL) learn to support effective assessment administration and data response and provide teacher support in Module 8 and CoP #4.

The pilot does not collect individual assessment data from teachers or coaches. Instead, feedback surveys will collect quantitative data about the HQIM assessments’ effectiveness.  

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