How will participants (teachers and coaches) receive access to orientation?

To begin their pilot journey, teachers and coaches will start by engaging in role-specific pilot orientation that:

  • Builds investment in HQIM and the pilot program.
  • Provides clarity on pilot expectations and structures.
  • Reviews important resources.

Live orientation is offered to teachers and coaches registered by June 30. Welcome emails delivered to these individuals by district leaders contain registration links. Live orientation and product introduction sessions will be offered in May and July/August for coaches and teachers. Live onboarding modules will be offered for coaches in April and in July/August for coaches and teachers.

Teachers and coaches registered after June 30 will not have time to register for the live sessions. Instead, they will complete an asynchronous orientation module through TEALearn containing a video recording from the live session and complete an exit ticket.

Teachers and coaches should complete orientation and product introduction sessions before onboarding sessions 1-4. Teachers unable to attend the live orientation session in May should complete the asynchronous version of orientation in the TEALearn Hub. They may complete the asynchronous product introduction or attend the live product introduction in late July and early August.

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