What products are supported?

High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) are among the most impactful elements of a student’s education. HQIM allow students to engage more deeply and meaningfully with the Texas Educational Standards and supports teachers in ensuring all students have access to high-quality and rigorous grade-level content. 

CRIMSI supports LEAs implementing approved core HQIM in K–5 RLA (in both Spanish and English) and K–5 Math.

K–5 RLA Elementary Literacy Program

The K-5 OER RLA COVID Emergency Release V3 is currently called the Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program. It is built on the Science of Reading and is fully aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). K–5 RLA Elementary Literacy Program knowledge domains provide a coherent knowledge sequence across science, social studies, and literature that builds within each grade and across grade levels. K-2 Skills units provide explicit, systematic practice with literacy foundational skills. K-5 Lectoescritura en Español is designed to support biliteracy in English and Spanish and includes both the K-5 knowledge domains (Conocimiento) with a mix of transadapted, translated, and authentic texts, as well as K-2 Spanish foundational skills units (Habilidades y Destrezas). 

K–5 Math

The K-5 Math COVID Emergency Release Edition V2 is currently called Eureka Math TEKS Edition. It is fully aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and includes a balance of conceptual understanding; procedural skills and fluency; and application of mathematics concepts in a coherent learning progression from concrete to representational to abstract to help students deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts. Key concepts then connect within and across grade levels to build an enduring understanding of math.

Learn more about these HQIM by visiting TEA Available Instructional Materials.

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